Organisational Structure
The Board
The Board is appointed by the Minister for Justice and Equality and has responsibility for:
- the strategic direction of the organisation
- determining policy and monitoring its implementation
- overseeing the proper and effective management of the organisation
- monitoring the implementation of effective financial procedures and providing accountability
- approving and monitoring budgets, and
- making certain reserved decisions
The Board normally consists of a Chairperson and twelve other members, two of these members must be practising barristers, two practising solicitors, and two must be representatives of the staff.
Support staff
We employ approximately 480 staff.
Support to both civil legal aid and family mediation service is provided by our support staff, based in Head Office, Cahirciveen and our Dublin Office in Smithfield. Below is an outline of the structure of our support staff.

Our administrative structures are headed by a Chief Executive who is responsible for day-to-day operations, and for the execution of policies set by the Board. The Chief Executive reports directly to the Board.
A number of directors report to the Chief Executive, and each has been delegated responsibility for certain functions. These include the overall management of the provision of legal aid, human resources, IT, finance and various other corporate support functions.
Civil legal aid and advice
The civil legal aid and advice service is managed by the Director of Civil Legal Aid, who is assisted by two Regional Managers. Legal services are provided by staff in thirty three law centres. These are staffed by solicitors, paralegal, and administrative staff. Each law centre has a managing solicitor who reports either to one of the two Regional Managers or directly to the Director of Civil Legal Aid.
Family mediation
Family mediation services are managed by the Director of Family Mediation, who is assisted by three Regional Managers. Family mediation is provided out of seventeen mediation offices, staffed by mediators and administrative staff.