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Children in Mediation

Children in Mediation

Family mediation is a child-focused service putting strong emphasis on the well-being of the child/children involved in separation and Divorce.

The Mediator ensures that the "Voice of the Child" is brought into the mediation process. This can be done directly, indirectly or by way of a Family Session depending on the family circumstances.

Direct Child Consultation

Depending on the individual circumstances a direct consultation with the children may be offered to parents. Parents may consider inviting their children to participate directly in the mediation process, so that the decisions they make about arrangements for their children are reached in the light of an understanding of each child’s perspective. 

This only takes place with the parents' and the child's permission.

Children are invited to meet the mediator on their own giving them an opportunity to give their views in a confidential setting.

Indirect Child Consultation

The Mediator ensures that the needs and interests of the child/children are a central consideration during the negotiations by bringing the interests of the child indirectly into the room through exploration and discussion around each individual child's needs.

Family Session

After parents have reached an agreement, a session is offered to parents to invite their children in to the mediation to discuss their new family arrangements in an encouraging and positive way.

Further Information for Parents and Children

You may find the following links useful as they are specifically dedicated to providing advice and support to children and young people including those whose parents are separating. The Legal Aid Board and its mediation service do not endorse these sites or the information contained within them.

Family Mediation Service Booklet

Coping with Separation (For Parents of children aged 6 to 12 years)

Coping with Separation ( For Children 6 years to 12 years)

Barnardos - Young People - Separation

Barnardos Teen Help - Parenting Positively

Barnardos free ebooks

Rainbows Ireland
