Legal Services in Asylum and Related matters - Note for Information of Applicants
How Can the Legal Aid Board Help You?
If you make an application for legal services in relation to an asylum, subsidiary protection or related matter you will be provided with assistance as soon as possible including:
- Advice before you submit your asylum questionnaire to the International Protection Office (IPO)
- Advice before you attend your interview for asylum at IPO.
- Advice before you attend any interview at IPO for subsidiary protection to include advice in relation to the new procedures for deciding applications for subsidiary protection,
- Interpreters for appointments with your solicitor,
- If you have made an application for asylum in another European Union State advice as to written submissions to IPO in support of your application for asylum being determined in Ireland,
- Advice prior to and representation before the International Protection Appeals Tribunal on foot of any appeal against a decision of the Refugee Applications Commissioner to refuse you asylum or to refuse you subsidiary protection,
- Advice prior to and representation in the District Court if you have been detained under certain provisions of the Refugee Act 1996 [The Legal Aid Board cannot represent you where you are charged with a criminal offence],
- Assistance in the submission of applications for leave to remain,
- Advice in relation to deportation orders.
What does the Legal Aid Board Require of You?
If you become a client of the Legal Aid Board you must:
- Inform the Legal Aid Board at all times of your current address.
- Attend at all appointments arranged for you as strict time limits apply at all stages of the asylum process and failure to attend appointments may mean that the Legal Aid Board is unable to provide a service to you.
The Legal Aid Board is an independent statutory body providing legal services in civil matters.
The Legal Aid Board provides a confidential service to all eligible persons who apply to it.
Means Test & contributions
To qualify for legal services, your income (less certain allowances) must be less than €18,000 per annum.
Applicants for asylum services will pay a contribution of €10 in total for legal advice and legal in relation to a case before the IPO or the IPAT. An additional contribution would be payable for legal aid in any other matter such as a case before the High Court.
If you have capital resources of more than €4,000 (excluding your home) you may have to pay an additional contribution.
If you are receiving direct provision from the State (i.e. accommodation and meals provided directly instead of social welfare payments) you may apply to have some of your contribution waived, at the discretion of the Legal Aid Board.
The Legal Aid Board is committed to the provision of a quality, professional service in all cases and has formal arrangements in place to handle any complaints from asylum seekers. A copy of the complaints procedure is available in all Legal Aid Board offices or from the Board’s head office or any law centre.
Contact Details for the law centres where the Legal Aid Board provides legal services in asylum and related matters:
Smithfield law centre, 48/49 North Brunswick Street, Georges Lane, Dublin 7.
Freephone: 1800 23 83 43 Phone: (01) 6469600
(01) 6469600 Fax: (01) 6710200
North Quay House, Popes Quay, Cork.
Freephone: 1800 202420 Phone: (021) 4554634
(021) 4554634 Fax: (021) 4557622
Seville House, New Dock Street, Galway.
Freephone: 1800 502400 Phone: (091) 562480
(091) 562480 Fax: (091) 562599
Note : Access to freephone numbers is by landline / payphone only
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