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Find A Mediation Office

The Legal Aid Board welcomes any comments on the structure or the contents of this site and shall use any comments to inform and assist in the development of the site. While staff of the Legal Aid Board may enter into the correspondence with commentators, the Legal Aid Board undertakes not to release the emails addresses or names of any commentators to any third parties.

The administration support function of the Family Mediation Services is based at:

48 - 49 North Brunswick Street,
George's Lane,
Dublin 7 D07 PE0C

Phone: 01 646 9600

Carlow District Court,
Court Place,
R93 W0H2

email: carlowfamilymediation@legalaidboard.ie
Phone: (059) 9132432

Wheelchair Accessible

Current waiting time: 15 weeks

Opening Hours: Monday to Thursday & Alt Friday
9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm

Ennis District Court
Lifford Road,
Co Clare
Phone: (066) 7186100

Mobile Phone: (087 0920394)
Opening hours: Monday to Thursday
9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm

email: ennisfamilymediation@legalaidboard.ie

Waiting Time:  10 weeks

3rd Floor,
Hibernian House, 
80A South Mall, 
T12 ACR7

email: corkfamilymediation@legalaidboard.ie
Phone: (021) 425 2200

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm

Current Waiting Time: 12 weeks

Short notice appointments are available due to cancellations. Phone office for details.

Cork District Court Mediation Office, The Courthouse, Washington St, Cork

Telephone: (021) 4252201 Opening times vary.

We have court-based Family Mediation offices in Dolphin House Dublin, Limerick, Letterkenny, Nenagh, Cork, Carlow, Ennis, Tralee and Mullingar.  Click on the relevant county.

3rd Floor,
Forte Lynn House Letterkenny,
Co Donegal

F92 R6NF

email: letterkennyfamilymediation@legalaidboard.ie

Phone : (074) 910 2240

Wheelchair Accessible

Opening hours: Monday to Thursday 9am -1pm, 2pm - 5pm.
Monday to Wednesday 9am - 5pm (admin cover)

Current Waiting Time: 14 weeks

Short notice appointments are available due to cancellations. Phone office for details

Balcurris Road,

Unit 2, 2nd Floor,
Lidl North Quarter,

Dublin 11
D11 WRN8

Phone: (01) 234 4400
Wheelchair Accessible

View Location on Map (Ballymun)

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm

Current Waiting Time: 7 weeks

Short notice appointments are available due to cancellations. Phone office for details.

Dolphin House Mediation
4th Floor, Dolphin House, 
Dublin 2
D02 RR76

email: dolphinhouse@legalaidboard.ie
Phone: (01) 672 5886

Wheelchair Accessible

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 4.30pm

Waiting time:  6 weeks

4th Floor
Jervis House
Jervis St
Dublin 1
D01 E3W9

email: jervisfamilymediation@legalaidboard.ie

Wheelchair Accessible
Tel: (01) 874 7446

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm

Current Waiting Time: 9 weeks

Short notice appointments are available due to cancellations. Phone office for details.

View location on map (Jervis Street) (This opens an external website)

Block 3
Village Green
Dublin 24
D24 P2PY

email: tallaghtfamilymediation@legalaidboard.ie

Wheelchair Accessible
Phone: (01) 414 5180 

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm

Current Waiting Time: 11 weeks

Short notice appointments are available due to cancellations. Phone office for details.

3rd Floor,
Merchant's Square,
New Dock Street,
H91 D37R

email: galwayfamilymediation@legalaidboard.ie

Wheelchair Accessible
Phone: (091) 568 467

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm

Current Waiting Time: 17 weeks

Short notice appointments are available due to cancellations. Phone office for details.

Unit 2, 
Market Place, 
Maine Street, 
Co. Kerry
V92 W8YY

email: traleefamilymediation@legalaidboard.ie
Phone: (066) 718 6100 

Opening hours: Monday to Friday

Mobile Phone: (087 0920394)
 Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9am - 1pm, 2pm - 5pm. 

Short notice appointments are available due to cancellations. Phone office for details

Tralee Court Office,  Centrepoint,  John Joe Sheehy Road,  Tralee,  Co. Kerry

email: traleefamilymediation@legalaidboard.ie

Phone: (066) 717 8700 

Waiting times: 15 weeks

Kilkenny Mediation Centre,
1st Floor Smithlands Centre,
R95 HK11

email: kilkennyfamilymediation@legalaidboard.ie
Phone: 056 7775616

Wheelchair Accessible

Current Waiting time: 11 weeks

Unit 261,
1st Floor, Gandon Court,
Co Laois

email: portlaoisefamilymediation@legalaidboard.ie
Phone: (057) 869 5730 

Wheelchair Accessible

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm, 
Tuesday to Friday (admin cover)

Current Waiting Time:  14 Weeks

Law and Family Mediation Centre
1st Floor
Lr Mallow St
V94 WC6A

Phone: 061 314599 / 061 214310

email: limerickfamilymediation@legalaidboard.ie
Phone: (061) 214310
 Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm

Current Waiting Time: 6 weeks

Short notice appointments are available due to cancellations. Phone office for details

Limerick District Court
The Court House
Merchants Quay

email:  limerickfamilymediation@legalaidboard.ie

Wheelchair Accessible
Phone: (061) 214310
Opening hours: Monday 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm.

Condil House,
Roden Place
Co. Louth.
A91 E6RE

email: dundalkfamilymediation@legalaidboard.ie

Wheelchair Accessible

Phone: (042) 9359410

 Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9.00am - 5.00pm.

Current Waiting Time: 11 weeks

Short notice appointments are available due to cancellations. Phone office for details

Castlebar Law and Family Mediation Centre
1st Floor, Cavendish House
Hopkins Road, Castlebar
Co. Mayo, F23 PX44

email: castlebarfamilymediation@legalaidboard.ie

Phone: (094) 903 5120 

Current Waiting Time:  11 weeks

2nd Floor,

Bridgewater House,

Rockwood Parade,

Thomas Street,


F91 Y9YY

email: sligofamilymediation@legalaidboard.ie
Wheelchair Accessible
Phone: (071) 915 4260
Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9am - 1pm, 2pm - 5pm. 
Wednesday 9am - 12.30pm (admin cover)

Current Waiting Time: 10 weeks

Short notice appointments are available due to cancellations. Phone office for details

Nenagh District Court
Co Tipperary

email: tipperaryfamilymediation@legalaidboard.ie
Phone: (061) 214310

Opening hours vary.

Waiting Time: 15 weeks

13B Wallace House, 
Maritana Gate, 
Canada St, 
X91 YD79

email: waterfordfamilymediation@legalaidboard.ie
Phone (051) 860460 

Mobile Phone: (087 6021101)

Wheelchair Accessible

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9am - 1pm, 2pm - 5pm.

Current Waiting Time: 11 weeks

Short notice appointments are available due to cancellations. Phone office for details

Suite 10, 1st Floor, 
Inish Carraig Business Centre, 
Golden Island,
Co. Westmeath
N37 V278

Floor 2
The Court House
Mount Street
Co. Westmeath
N91 T973

email: mullingarfamilymediation@legalaidboard.ie
Phone: (087) 2844284

email: athlonefamilymediation@legalaidboard.ie
Phone: (090) 6420970

Mobile Phone: (087 2844284)

Wheelchair Accessible
Opening hours: Monday to Wednesday 9am - 1pm, 2pm - 5pm.

Athlone: Current Waiting Time: 6-8 weeks

Wheelchair Accessible
Mediation hours:  Vacancy

Contact (087 2844284) for appointment

Family Mediation Service
Unit 8, Redmond Square
Y35 DX43

email: wexfordfamilymediation@legalaidboard.ie

Tel: (053) 916 3050 
Opening hours: Monday & Tuesday 9am - 1pm, 2pm - 5pm.
Wednesday 9am - 12.30pm (admin cover)

Current Waiting Time: 8 weeks

Short notice appointments are available due to cancellations. Phone office for details