External Consultative Panel
The Legal Aid Board (“the Board”) established a Consultative Panel a number of years ago. The terms of reference are as follows:
- To provide a forum to enable the Board to keep stakeholders informed and updated on relevant developments in the areas in which the Board has an interest;
- To facilitate stakeholders to provide feedback and assistance to the Board on the Board’s services from the perspective and informed position of the stakeholder.
Conduct of business
The Panel will operate on the following basis:
- The Panel will engage through formal meetings three times a year with further engagement as required;
- At each meeting the Panel Chairperson will provide a service delivery update on the business of the Board. The Panel will be chaired by Joan Crawford, CEO of the Board and Designated Public Official under the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015, or by his nominee;
- The Secretary to the Panel will post the agreed agenda and agreed minutes of each meeting on the Board’s website; and
- All correspondence in relation to the business of the Panel will be conducted through the Secretary to the Panel.
Composition and membership of the Panel
The External Consultative Panel consists of the following members:
- Ms Joan Crawford, Chief Executive, Legal Aid Board
- Ms Julie Ahern, Children's Rights Alliance
- Mr Bobby Barbour, Citizens Information Board
- Ms Eilis Barry, FLAC
- Ms Sarah Benson, Women's Aid
- Ms Saoirse Brady, Children's Rights Alliance
- Ms Jacinta Brack, Irish Traveller Movement
- Mr Adam Boyle, Mercy Law
- Mr PJ Cleere, Disability Federation
- Mr Brian Collins, Irish Refugee Council
- Mr Martin Collins, Pavee Point
- Ms Joanne Condon, National Advocacy Service for People with Disabilities
- Ms Sandra Conway, National Women’s Council of Ireland
- Ms Catherine Cosgrove, Immigrant Council of Ireland
- Ms Caroline Couhinan, Safe Ireland
- Ms Gillian Dennehy, Women’s Aid
- Dr Fiona Donson, Traveller Education Justice Project – UCC
- Mr Paul Dornan, Ballymun Community Law Centre
- Mr Allen Dunne, Disability Federation
- Ms Margaret Gallagher, Children's Rights Alliance
- Ms Mary Henderson, Immigrant Council of Ireland
- Ms Siun Hurley, O’Donovan Murphy Solicitors/ Law Society
- Ms Monica Hynds, Barnardos
- Ms Aoife Kelly Desmond, Community Law and Mediation
- Ms Karen Kiernan, One Family
- Ms Katie Mannion, Irish Refugee Council
- Ms Johanna Martyn, MABS
- Ms Susan McCormack, National Women’s Council of Ireland
- Ms Andrea McDermott, Men’s Aid
- Ms Mary McDermott, Safe Ireland
- Ms Rose Morris, Citizens Information Board
- Ms Ciara Murphy, Law Library/ Council of the Bar of Ireland
- Ms Joan O’Mahony, Law Society and O’Mahony’s Solicitors
- Ms Jane O'Sullivan, Community Law and Mediation
- Mr Ger O’Brien, MABS
- Ms Orla O’ Connor National Women’s Council of Ireland
- Ms Deirdre Lynch, Law Library/ Council of the Bar of Ireland
- Ms Donna Parau, RCNI
- Mr Damien Peelo, Treoir
- Mr Cormac Quinlan, TUSLA
- Ms Gayle Smith, Treoir
- Ms Susan Shanahan, Citizens Information Board
- Ms Linda Smith, Women’s Aid
- Ms Marcella Stakem, SVP
- Ms Anne Staunton, Rainbows Ireland
- Ms Eavan Ward, Women’s Aid
- Ms Tanya Ward, Children’s Rights Alliance
- Ms Samantha Williams, Traveller Education Justice Project – UCC
- Ms Fiona Wright, Courts Service
- Mr Niall Quinn, Law Library/ Council of the Bar of Ireland
- Mr James Glynn, MABS
- Ms Anna Birbeck, Exchange House Ireland National Travellers Service
- Ms Marissa Ryan, Cuan
- Mr Kevin Rogers, Secretary to the Panel, Legal Aid Board
- Ms Kate Fitzpatrick, MABS
In light of the requirement for transparency under the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 the Board will provide the following information on its website:
- The Name of the Chairperson of the Panel / details of employing Organisation
- Name of Members / details of employing Organisation
- Whether any non-public servant members were previously designated public officials
- Terms of Reference of the Panel
- Agenda of each meeting
- Minutes of each meeting
Minutes of Previous Meetings
In accordance with the terms of reference of the Panel, agreed minutes of previous meetings are available to download here.
April 2024 (MS Word Document)
November 2023 (MS Word Document)
July 2022 (MS Word Download)
April 2022 (MS Word Download)
January 2022 (MS Word Download)
October 2021 (MS Word Download)
June 2021 (MS Word Download)
February 2021 (MS Word Download)
October 2020 (MS Word Download)
September 2020 (MS Word Download)
July 2020 (MS Word Download)